University of Phoenix Online Focuses on Team Learning.Unlike some other schools, the University of Phoenix Online focuses on Team Learning. For all classes, team assignments can make up to 20% of the student's total grade.
Consequently, students get more than they bargained for when pursuing an education at Phoenix's online university (UoP online).Online Education for those Working Full-Time.UoP online believes that distance learning shouldn't be a solely individual or isolated effort.
In an effort to help their students do better in their careers, UoP online believes that its students should get more practice working effectively as a virtual team. Besides submitting individual short answers and papers, students must also work as a part of a team, usually on a single course long project where the work on one week builds on the week done previously.UoP online targets mature adults who have been in the work force for at least five years.
The majority of UoP online students have been career oriented for some time. By designing their online classes so that they don't require meetings at set times, UoP online helps busy individuals advance their educations. But don't get the wrong idea; UoP online is not set up like other distance learning programs, say a correspondence course, where you set your own timeline. UoP requires you to be online at least four times a week to participate and you need to post assignments on a weekly schedule.
Effective team work is an integral part to a successful career. Many an interview has revolved around a person's "team spirit." Even online jobs require collaboration to a certain degree. UoP's stance on online team learning might educate you on more than what you signed up for, too.University of Phoenix offers degree programs in the following fields:.
? Accounting ? Health Care.? Administration ? Human Services.? Business ? Information Systems.? Counseling ? Management.? Criminal Justice ? Marketing.
? eBusiness ? Nursing.? Education ? Technology Management.? Finance.
Online college courses lead to salary increase.Take online college courses that you can work around your schedule. Why go back to school? How about for more money? Studies show that the more education a person has, the more that person will make over coworkers who do the same thing but are less educated.The more education you have, the more you get paid.
Another reason you should consider distance learning courses is that it can help you change careers. If you're sick of your current job and want another career, quit dreaming and starting working toward your goals. Recognizing the need to accommodate "non-traditional" students, more colleges are setting up online courses to help educate students via online campuses. They aren't stopping with courses either.
Many colleges offer complete degree programs that you can get entirely online.When considering what online program you will enroll in, look at the following factors:.? Costs.? Accreditation. For example, the only state that will let you sit for the bar if you get an online law degree is California.
? Program requirements. What courses do you have to take to graduate? How many classes can you CLEP out of or get credit for courses you've taken elsewhere?.? Distance learning tools. What does the school use for its virtual classroom? Not all schools use the same online tools.
? What kind of financial aid is available to you?.Online programs are constantly being improved so if you looked into them a few years ago, you owe it to yourself to learn what educators have been up to in the meantime.
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By: Dale Lawrence